The rule for the 10-off area is unclear. What is the determination if the disc lands on an outside border of the 10-off area? I am especially thinking about the line between the 7 point area, and the 10-off area. If the disc is half on that line, would points be deducted, or would it not count?
Bernar Borges
September 1, 2022 at 7:08 pm - Reply
If the disc lands on any line (including the outside lines of the 10-off area) it does not count. The only exception is the little line (or triangle in this tutorial case) that divides the sides of the yellow and black discs at the shooting area (from where players shoot). At the other end of the court it’s like this little triangle doens’t exist.
The rule for the 10-off area is unclear. What is the determination if the disc lands on an outside border of the 10-off area? I am especially thinking about the line between the 7 point area, and the 10-off area. If the disc is half on that line, would points be deducted, or would it not count?
If the disc lands on any line (including the outside lines of the 10-off area) it does not count. The only exception is the little line (or triangle in this tutorial case) that divides the sides of the yellow and black discs at the shooting area (from where players shoot). At the other end of the court it’s like this little triangle doens’t exist.