altThanks to our webmaster Oliver Schwarten, Shuffleboard has made the next step into the future. For those of you using one of Apple's iPhones or an iPod Touch there is a brand new App available which is called "Shuffleboard World". And as all the best things in life: it is for free!
To download the App please use:

Oliver, who runs his own software development business, took the chance to combine his business skills and his favorite sport to develop this "must have" for modern communication.
The Apple company requires developers to meet high standards before allowing new applications to be downloaded in its own virtual store. Oliver (Olli) has easily met those standards and is proud to present his latest achievement that will also serve to prove his developer abilities for potential customers.
So if you use one of those iPhones or know someone who does, download the "Shuffleboard-World" and stay up to date about the World Shuffleboard League while you are away from your computer.