Dear Mr.President,

This letter is to officialy  present  the results of the first Doubles Tournament in 2011 which took place in Paradise Retreat, Piraí, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 14 May 2011. Our Tournament Director, Bernar Borges was perfect in his planning  and I have the honor  to make public praise to him. Seven doubles participated in this tournament a record for our association.  Special recognition goes out to Michael  and Marcos for competing with amateur youth players as partners.  With their dedication and help, our young amateurs will soon become professionals and compete in the world scene. Honored  guests at this event were a City Assemblyman and County Official from the local City Town Hall as well as the ISA President who participated.

The final classification to score for ISA World Ranking is:

1. Luiz Pimentel & Fatima Alves
2. Valdir Silva & Delson Caldas  
3. Bernar Borges & Antonio Borges
4. Marcos Cardoso & Gabriel Cardoso (amateur youth)
5. Michael Zellner  &  Camille Caldas   (amateur youth)
6. Hernani Barcellos & Pedro Caldas
7. Assis Castilhos & Roberto Aguiar


Luiz A S Pimentel
ABS President