I am grateful for your sympathy, thoughts and you asked to pray every member for us Japanese Shufflers. Fortunately, the Shufflers of Tokyo and Yokohama were safe. But I think they may be worring about their families, relatives and friends who live in the disaster area. By this disaster, a great number of people died, missing, evacuation and in a vacuum. They are suffering from a pretty strong aftershock still now. Tokyo courts had a little damage. It will be closed for a while.

One of the most serious matter is a problem of the atomic power plants that was hit by the big earthquake and the tsunami. It is a sort of dangerous situation at this moment. Let me say my personal thing about our son-in-law who works at the second atomic power station in Fukushima prefecture. A success of his colleague and him in a work will bring a big relief and a safety to many Japanese.

Would you please pray for all Japanase and him, again.


Yoshiko Suzuki

Japan National Shuffleboard Assoc.
