Guidlines about submissions for posting articles in the ISA Website

The ISA is of the opinion that it is of utmost importance that articles, being posted in our website, are accurate and valid. Therefore we feel it is necessary to establish some guidelines regarding article submission and posting.

  •  Only the webmaster and the WSL League Commissioner are authorized to make entries into the website.
  •  All articles for posting, except those in regard to the WSL, will be passed through the respective National President, if one exists, before being considered for posting on the website.
  •  A simple, “OK to Publish“ is all that is required from the respective National President.
  •  The ISA President will be forwarded a copy of all those articles and give the final, “OK to Publish”, then the article may be posted on the website by the webmaster.
  •  Articles from the General International Public, where no National Organization exists, are highly encouraged and welcomed, however they must be reviewed by the ISA President and, if accepted, will be posted.
  •  Articles in regard to the WSL will be authorized by the WSL League Commissioner.

These steps will undoubtedly help to secure the high quality of our site and guarantee accuracy and reliableness for our members as well as our readers. I implore National Presidents to continue furnishing information to the website as well as give the „Ok to Publish“ to all articles that they receive and agree with as fast as possible.



Michael Zellner

ISA President